Sunday, January 6, 2013

BC BOXING NEWS, November 1984

BC BOXING NEWS November 1984: by brian zelley, editor

This issue included two tournaments, a club show in Campbell River
and lots of other news and views including flashbacks some detail
concerning the "Jimmy Syme Award Winners" including the one for 

the 1983/84 season TONY FRANCIS.

* Folks that were recognized for contributing to this issue:
Marg O'Reilley, Shirley Knopp, Shirley Jones, Dorothy Zelley,
Glynn Jones, George Shiels, Ainslie Frame (Ottawa) and
Jerry Shears (Montreal), also a picture of  the CABA president
Herb Embuldeniya was icluded:

Photo parade: some of the photos
*Neil Austin, Barry Dolan (Ontario),
Coach Charles John working the corner,
Action photo by Stephen R. Faubert
of the "Upper islander" with a  the
headline: "Neil Bordeleau is jubilant
over winning his bout", Suraj Jaswal,
photo from Ainslie Frame featureing
Frank Rodriguez, Denis Bradley and A. Teodorescu posing for a
group shop at the 1984 Junior Nationals, and on the back cover
was some great shots of boxer  Gordon jones posting with
alderman Don MacTavish with the Jimmy Syme  trophy.,
a picture of Dan Wright shadow boxing from the "Sprtcaster"
November  27, 1974, and  a photos of Canadian champion
Ian Clyde posing with the great Archie Moore, the caption
read "Friendly Archie Moore, June 18, 1972".

COMPETITITION in October 1984:

BRONZE GLOWES, novice junior boxer, October 20th.
*Boxers: Mark Rodgers, Craig Hass, Tyler Piddocke, Oscar Carreira,
David Slack, Graham Walton, Chad Kray, Ben Frecht, Byron Ritchie,
Stewart Brown, Chris Hunter, Dean Townsend, Cam Marbry,
Kevin Blatter, Curt Lowe, Shane McLean, Larry Barber, Donny Jay,
jason Mead, Leon Angers, Dean McDonald, Jason Broad, Bruce Slack,
Ricky Funk, Trent Storey, Larry Rose, Cas McRea, Pat Soderholm,
Shane Morin, Ken Jay, Fred Loewen, Herman Frische, Bruce McDonald,
Mike Margetts, Dean Kerpin, James Muir, and Tom Small.
Bronze Boy: Tyler Piddocke  (Spruce Capital, Prince George)  
B B Runner-up: Trent Storey (Gold River Boxing club) 

Best Bout: Kevin Blatter (Maple Ridge) vs Curt Lowe (Hasstings).
Top clubs and Coach:
1 Gold River (Monty Brown), 2. Maple Ridge (Wall Hill) and
3. Hastings CC (Michael O'Reilly). 

1984 Senior and Intermediate Novice tournament, October 21st.

Mike Primead, Terry Dermott, Darryl Storzuk, Mike Murray, 
Eddie Lee, Ralph Torrie, Rick Davie, Donald Mayes, Jason Trottier,
Randy Scott, Tonka Young, Dean Bohm, Ron Ogden, John Millens,
Larry Dill, Rob Howe, G. Grewal, James Berg, R. Des Ormeaux,
David Treharne, Olaf Van Berkel, Ian Middleditch, Mike York,
Dan Cochlan, and Barrie Howardson.
Best Intermediate: Jason Trottier (Burnaby)
 Best senior: Darryl Storuk (Ladner)

Club Show: Campbell River Eagles, October 27, 1984

* A 15-bout card featuring the following Clubs:
Campbell River, Gold River, Parksville, Astoria, Sunshine,
Comox, Anacortes, Olympia, and Tacoma.
Best Bout: Jim Hunter vs. Ray Abraham

*After two tournaments: The top ranking clubs:
1. Hastings, 2. Gold River, 3. Victoria jaycees, 4. Burnaby.

Special Awards for Campbell River Boxers:
MIKE MARGETTS, Rookie of the Year.
GARY WOOD, Athlete of the Year.


Reprint from the "Leisure Times" magazine was a brief history

 of amateur boxing on Vancouver Island published prior to the

1984 Vancouver Island Boxing Championships and covered

boxing from 1954 to 1984 and some of the other Island tournaments.

Boxing Profile: DAN WRIGHT

* The story followed his boxing journey from the Vancouver
Firefighters to the Nanaimo Boxing Club, a brief period with
the North West Eagles. and on to Victoria and then back to
Nanaimo.  In the mid-eighties, Dan turned to officiating and
participated at the 1985 Diamond Belt tournament 

                     Dan Wright, 2009 photo op at Greater Victoria
                         Sports Hall of Fame Induction ceremony.
                                            (photo by Dorothy Zelley)

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