Saturday, January 5, 2013

BOXING NEWS, October 1984

THE NEW YEARS BEGINS and the first  issues of the BC Amateur Boxing News issued for October 1984: editor, Brian W. Zelley

 The first  issue of the BC Amateur Boxing News
 for the 1984/5 season would start at the AGM
September 9, 1984.
Elections and AppointmentsL
Board of Directors:
George Armson, Fred Fuller, Sid Knopp,
Margaret O'Reilly, Larry Carney, 
Shirley Knopp, Bert Lowes, Brian Zelley,
Dave Thompson, Glynn Jones, Stan Smith.

 Area Representatives:
Alex Crabbe, Mike Moore, Ron Reiter, 
Dave Thompson and Rick Brough.

Special Constitution Committee:
George Armson, George Shiels and Cliff Ivers.
The Provincial Sport Consultant was Bill McAllister.

Reported in the October issue was reports from
George Armson, Dr. Raj Sandhu, Bill McAllister,
Dave Thompson, Stuart Charbula, and Bob Carswell.

News and Views:
Hot off the press was a report from Gold River  concerning
a July 1984 event that made the newspaper with the title:
"Break Dancing In Village Square" and two photos of 
Gold River boxer Alan Brown and Ontario's Greg Johnson
sparring in  the square, and Greg break dancing to 
the cheer of the crowd.

*1966 Tacoma, Portland and Vancouver Golden Gloves champions
 names to remember 

 **********  DICK FINDLAY *************
 FRANK SCOTT, FREDDY FULLER                                        
  Bob Kacer, Ken Macdonald.
  Hugh Lindsay, John Cowan
    Roger Adolph, Fred Desroiers
Included boxers from 1972 to 1984
such as Hoyt and Ollenberger

Photo Flashback:
London Boxing Club's Gary Van Buskirk receiving an award
from founder of the Emerald Gloves tournament Bro. O'Grady. 
The event was the 1967 Emerald Gloves.

1 comment:

  1. The "Break Dancing In The Village Square" story from 1984
    has recently been revived and is expected to be the opening
    round of a story about Canadian boxer GREG JOHNSON
    who is now a boxing trainer in Ontario.
